Solving Money and Freedom Problems with Math and Code

Welcome to MathesisML Trading Analytics, a blog dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of data-driven trading strategies, coding, and mathematical insights. As the founder and chief trader behind MathesisML, my mission is to share my personal trading journey, inspirations, ideas, and observations on trading psychology, as well as to provide a transparent look at my trading stats. Through this blog, I aim to demystify the world of trading and showcase the power of harnessing data, coding, and mathematics to create effective and profitable trading strategies.

My Trading Journey

The idea behind MathesisML Trading Analytics was born out of my own passion for trading and a desire to develop a systematic approach to the markets. Like many traders, I started my journey with the hope of discovering that elusive “holy grail” of trading strategies. However, after countless trials, errors, and experiences, I quickly realized that the key to success in trading lies not in blindly following others’ strategies, but in developing a personalized approach grounded in data, coding, and mathematics.

At MathesisML Trading Analytics, I document the various stages of my trading journey, sharing both the successes and setbacks I’ve encountered along the way. My hope is that by sharing these experiences, I can help other aspiring traders navigate the often tumultuous world of trading, providing insights and guidance to help them build their own successful strategies.

Data-Driven Trading Strategies

One of the core principles of MathesisML Trading Analytics is the belief in the power of data-driven trading strategies. By leveraging the vast amounts of market data available and applying coding and mathematical techniques, we can uncover hidden patterns and relationships that can be harnessed to create more informed and effective trading decisions.

Throughout this blog, I will explore various data-driven trading methodologies, delving into topics such as machine learning, algorithmic trading, statistical analysis, and more. In doing so, I aim to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of how data-driven strategies can be employed to achieve consistent and profitable trading results.

Trading Psychology

Another crucial aspect of successful trading is understanding and managing one’s trading psychology. Emotional control, discipline, and self-awareness are key components of a winning trading mindset. At MathesisML Trading Analytics, I will delve into the nuances of trading psychology, sharing my own experiences and offering advice on how to cultivate a resilient and adaptable mindset that can withstand the inevitable ups and downs of the markets.

Sharing My Trading Stats

In the spirit of transparency and accountability, I will regularly share my trading stats on MathesisML Trading Analytics. This will not only allow me to track my progress and performance over time but also provide readers with a genuine, real-world insight into the successes and challenges that come with implementing data-driven trading strategies.

This Blog

MathesisML Trading Analytics is a space where I invite you to join me on my journey to discover, develop, and refine personalized trading strategies based on data, coding, and mathematics. Whether you are an experienced trader or just starting, I hope my experiences, insights, and knowledge will inspire, inform, and help guide you on your own path to trading success. Welcome aboard, and let’s embark on this exciting adventure together!

How does that sound to you?

What’s New

  • How to Avoid Holding onto Losing Trades
    DailyFX, a forex news and research website, conducted a famous in 2012. They analyzed over 12 million trades placed by real-life retail forex traders from various brokers. The findings showed that, on average, retail traders were right about the market’s direction more than 50% of the time. However, their profits from winning… Read more: How to Avoid Holding onto Losing Trades
  • The Journey of Wealth Building
    Question: If you have a trading account of 80,000. You also have a win rate of 75%, and a profit factor of 1.6, and I risk 1-2% for each trade. Given these parameters, can you figure out an estimated timeline when the trading account turns to 2 million? Answer: To… Read more: The Journey of Wealth Building
  • What This Is All About
    I am inspired by FIRE. I worked hard. I always did. Up to this point in my life, I packed sandwiches, cleaned toilets, typed documents, answered phone calls, taught English, tutored mathematics, analyzed data, built algorithms and apps, shipped code, and mentored students. And guess what, I will always work… Read more: What This Is All About
  • Trading Strategy Updates
    Here’s my improved smashing strategy. It’s a great swing trading strategy, and now with some extra steps to make it more profitable.
  • There Is More Than One Way To Do Things – Finding the Best Way For You Is Key
    My Freedom Project came to me gradually over several years. The desire to be free, when clearly verbalized, turned out to be the most crucial thing I could do for my life afterwards. But in the world of plentiful choices, I also realized that it is equally crucial to choose a path that is right for you.
  • My Freedom Project: Who I Am and Why I Am Doing This
    My Freedom Project came to me gradually over several years. I want to tell you who I am and why I am doing this.
  • Using this Profitable Swing Trading Strategy to Scale Up Trading
    Last month’s trading results have been nothing but smashing! Here’s my simple swing trading strategy.
  • My Smashing Forex Trading Results From Last Week
    Last week’s trading results have been nothing but smashing! Here’s my simple swing trading strategy.
  • Action Plan to Improve Income Quality: A Case Study
    Once you reach your freedom number, your goal should no longer be purely geared towards making more money on an aggregate basis. If you are still working harder than ever, then you suffer from poor income quality. Your goal then is to improve the quality of your income.
  • How to Think About Freedom Using Math
    Freedom is a hot topic recently. But instead of thinking about freedom as the absence of constraints, you should think about freedom much more actively — what does your freedom look like? You need to know what it looks like so that you can actualize it. In this article, we are thinking of freedom, and what to do with it, using math.